Limited Access to Photos Giving Full Access on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter: The Ultimate Solution
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Limited Access to Photos Giving Full Access on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter: The Ultimate Solution

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating “Limited Access to Photos” error on iOS when using the image_picker package on Flutter? Well, you’re not alone! This common issue has been plaguing developers for quite some time, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with a step-by-step solution to grant full access to photos on iOS.

What’s Causing the “Limited Access to Photos” Error?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. The image_picker package, which is widely used in Flutter apps, relies on native platform functionalities to access device storage, including the photo library. On iOS, Apple introduced a new feature called “Limited Access to Photos” to provide users with more control over their privacy. This feature allows users to restrict app access to their photo library, which, in turn, affects how the image_picker package functions.

iOS 14 and Later: The Game-Changer

With the release of iOS 14, Apple introduced some significant changes to the way apps interact with the photo library. One of these changes is the requirement for apps to request “Limited” or “Full” access to the photo library. When an app requests “Limited” access, the user is prompted to select specific photos or albums, whereas “Full” access grants the app unrestricted access to the entire photo library.

Solution: Granting Full Access to Photos on iOS

Now that we understand the cause of the problem, let’s get down to business and explore the solution. To grant full access to photos on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the necessary permissions to your Info.plist file

Open your Flutter project in Xcode, and navigate to the `ios` directory. Locate the `Info.plist` file and add the following code to request full access to the photo library:

<string>This app requires full access to your photo library to function properly.</string>
<string>This app requires full access to your photo library to function properly.</string>

This code adds the necessary permissions to your `Info.plist` file, allowing your app to request full access to the photo library.

Step 2: Update your image_picker package

Makes sure you’re using the latest version of the image_picker package. You can update your package by running the following command in your terminal:

flutter pub upgrade image_picker

This will ensure you have the latest version of the package, which includes the necessary fixes for iOS 14 and later.

Step 3: Request full access to the photo library

In your Flutter code, import the image_picker package and use the following code to request full access to the photo library:

import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';

Future<void> requestFullAccess() async {
  final ImagePicker _picker = ImagePicker();
  await _picker.requestPermission();

This code requests full access to the photo library using the `requestPermission()` method provided by the image_picker package.

Step 4: Handle the permission request result

After requesting full access to the photo library, you need to handle the permission request result. You can do this by using the `permissionGranted` property provided by the image_picker package:

Future<void> requestFullAccess() async {
  final ImagePicker _picker = ImagePicker();
  final permissionGranted = await _picker.requestPermission();
  if (permissionGranted) {
    print('Full access granted!');
  } else {
    print('Limited access granted or denied!');

This code checks if the user has granted full access to the photo library. If the permission is granted, you can proceed with your app’s logic; otherwise, you may want to display an error message or provide alternative functionality.

Best Practices for Requesting Full Access to Photos on iOS

When requesting full access to the photo library on iOS, it’s essential to follow Apple’s guidelines and best practices to ensure your app is not rejected during the review process. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Be transparent**: Clearly explain why your app needs full access to the photo library in your app’s description and privacy policy.
  • Provide an alternative**: Offer users an alternative way to select photos or albums if they deny full access to the photo library.
  • Respect user privacy**: Only request access to the photo library when necessary, and avoid accessing the library unnecessarily.
  • Follow Apple’s guidelines**: Adhere to Apple’s guidelines for requesting permission to access the photo library, as outlined in the App Store Review Guidelines.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons behind the “Limited Access to Photos” error on iOS when using the image_picker package on Flutter. We’ve also provided a step-by-step solution to grant full access to photos on iOS, ensuring your app can function properly. By following these instructions and best practices, you can ensure your app is compliant with Apple’s guidelines and provides a seamless user experience.

Keyword Definition
Limited Access to Photos A feature on iOS that allows users to restrict app access to their photo library.
image_picker A popular Flutter package used to access device storage, including the photo library.
iOS 14 A version of the iOS operating system that introduced changes to the way apps interact with the photo library.
Info.plist A file in Xcode that contains app-specific configuration settings, including permission requests.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Limited Access to Photos” error on iOS and providing a better experience for your users. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about limited access to photos giving full access on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter!

Why do I need to give full access to my photos on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter?

By default, the image_picker library on Flutter requires full access to your iPhone’s photo library to function properly. This is because the library needs to access your photos to allow you to select and upload them to your app. Unfortunately, there’s no way around this on iOS, as Apple’s privacy policies require explicit permission to access users’ photo libraries.

Is there a way to limit access to only specific photos on iOS when using image_picker on Flutter?

Unfortunately, no. On iOS, the photo access permission is an all-or-nothing deal. When you grant access to your photos, the image_picker library gets full access to your entire photo library. There’s no built-in way to limit access to specific photos or folders. However, you can use the `ImagePicker`’s `source` parameter to limit the selection to only photos taken by the camera, which might help minimize the scope of access.

Can I use a different library to avoid giving full access to my photos on iOS?

Yes, you can explore alternative libraries that provide more granular control over photo access on iOS. For example, the `photo_manager` library allows you to request access to specific albums or media types. However, keep in mind that these libraries might not offer the exact same features and functionality as image_picker, so be sure to evaluate their trade-offs before making the switch.

How can I convince my users to grant full access to their photos on iOS?

Honestly, you can’t! It’s essential to respect users’ privacy and be transparent about why your app needs access to their photos. Clearly communicate the benefits of granting access and provide an alternative, such as allowing users to upload photos from other sources. Remember, it’s the user’s decision, and you should prioritize their trust and comfort over your app’s requirements.

Will Apple reject my app if it requests full access to photos on iOS?

Unlikely. Apple’s guidelines allow apps to request access to the photo library, as long as you provide a clear explanation of why your app needs this access. However, make sure you follow Apple’s guidelines for requesting permission, and be prepared to justify your app’s use of this access during the review process.

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