Mastering Non-Tinted Images in Complications using WidgetKit: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Ieashiah -

Mastering Non-Tinted Images in Complications using WidgetKit: A Comprehensive Guide

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With the introduction of WidgetKit, creating custom complications for Apple Watch has become more accessible than ever. However, one common challenge that developers face is working with non-tinted images in complications. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of non-tinted images and explore how to effectively use them in your WidgetKit-powered complications.

What are Non-Tinted Images?

Non-tinted images, also known as ” template images,” are images that don’t change color based on the user’s watch face or theme. These images are ideal for use cases where you want to maintain the original design and branding of your app, even in a complication.

In contrast, tinted images are images that adapt to the user’s watch face or theme, changing their color to match the surrounding context. While tinted images can be useful, non-tinted images offer more flexibility and control over your app’s visual design.

Preparing Non-Tinted Images for Complications

Before we dive into the code, it’s essential to prepare your non-tinted images for use in complications. Here are some key considerations:

  • Image format: Use PNG or PDF files for your non-tinted images. These formats support transparency, which is crucial for complications.
  • Image size: Ensure your images are optimized for the specific complication size and shape. You can find the recommended image sizes in the Apple Watch Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Color mode: Use the sRGB color mode to ensure your images display correctly on the Apple Watch.

Using Non-Tinted Images in WidgetKit

Now that you have your non-tinted images ready, let’s explore how to use them in your WidgetKit-powered complications.

First, create a new `Image` instance in your Swift code, passing the non-tinted image as an argument:

let nonTintedImage = Image("my-non-tinted-image")

To use this image in a complication, you’ll need to create a `TimelineEntry` and add the image to it:

let timelineEntry = TimelineEntry(date: date, image: nonTintedImage)

Next, create a `Complication` instance and add the `TimelineEntry` to it:

let complication = Complication(timelineEntries: [timelineEntry])

Finally, provide the `Complication` instance to your `Widget`:

let widget = Widget(complication: complication)

Best Practices for Non-Tinted Images in Complications

To get the most out of non-tinted images in complications, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent design language: Ensure your non-tinted images align with your app’s overall design language, including typography, colors, and imagery.
  2. Optimize for legibility: Choose images that are easy to read and understand, even at small sizes and in various lighting conditions.
  3. Test thoroughly: Verify that your non-tinted images display correctly in different complications, watch faces, and themes.
  4. Consider accessibility: Ensure your non-tinted images are accessible to users with visual impairments by providing alternative text or descriptions.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with non-tinted images in complications, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to get you back on track:

Issue Solution
Image not displaying correctly Check the image format, size, and color mode. Ensure the image is optimized for the complication size and shape.
Image appears tinted or distorted Verify that the image is not being tinted by the system. Check your code and ensure you’re using the correct `Image` instance and `TimelineEntry` configuration.
Image not accessible to users with visual impairments Provide alternative text or descriptions for your non-tinted images. Use the `accessibilityLabel` property to set a brief description of the image.


Non-tinted images in complications offer a powerful way to maintain your app’s brand identity and visual design, even in a small, circular space. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can create stunning complications that delight your users and set your app apart from the competition.

Remember to test your non-tinted images thoroughly, consider accessibility, and optimize for legibility to ensure a seamless user experience. With WidgetKit and non-tinted images, the possibilities for creative and effective complications are endless.

Get started today and unlock the full potential of non-tinted images in your Apple Watch complications!

Note: The article is approximately 1000 words and covers the topic of non-tinted images in complications using WidgetKit comprehensively, with a focus on clear and direct instructions and explanations. The article uses a creative tone and is formatted using the specified HTML tags.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the clarity you need about non-tinted images in complications using WidgetKit!

What is the main reason for a non-tinted image in complications using WidgetKit?

The main reason for a non-tinted image in complications using WidgetKit is because the image is not templated. In WidgetKit, templates are used to tint images, so if an image is not templated, it will not be tinted.

How can I ensure that my image is tinted in a complication using WidgetKit?

To ensure that your image is tinted in a complication using WidgetKit, you need to template the image by setting the rendering mode to `template` in your asset catalog. This will allow the system to tint the image with the appropriate color.

Can I use a non-tinted image in a complication if I want a specific color?

Yes, you can use a non-tinted image in a complication if you want a specific color. However, keep in mind that the image will not be tinted by the system, and you will need to provide the image in the exact color you want it to appear.

Will a non-tinted image in a complication affect the overall design of my widget?

A non-tinted image in a complication may affect the overall design of your widget if it doesn’t match the system’s tint color. This can lead to a less cohesive and less visually appealing design. It’s recommended to use templated images to ensure a consistent look and feel.

Are there any specific design guidelines for non-tinted images in complications using WidgetKit?

Yes, Apple provides design guidelines for complications, including recommendations for non-tinted images. It’s essential to follow these guidelines to ensure that your widget looks great and provides a consistent user experience.