Dynamically Update Value Box Theme in Shiny using bslib: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Ieashiah - hkhazo.biz.id

Dynamically Update Value Box Theme in Shiny using bslib: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of stucking with the same old theme in your Shiny applications? Do you want to add a touch of dynamism to your value box and take it to the next level? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to dynamically update the value box theme in Shiny using bslib. Yes, you read that right – dynamically update! With bslib, you can effortlessly switch between different themes, and we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step.

What is bslib?

bslib is a package in R that provides a set of tools for building Shiny applications with Bootstrap-based themes. It allows you to easily switch between different themes and customize your app’s appearance without having to write custom CSS code. bslib is particularly useful when you want to create a Shiny app that is visually appealing and consistent with the Bootstrap framework.

Why Dynamically Update Value Box Theme?

So, why would you want to dynamically update the value box theme in your Shiny app? Here are a few reasons:

  • Customization**: By dynamically updating the theme, you can offer your users a more personalized experience. For instance, you can allow them to switch between light and dark themes or choose from a range of colors.

  • Branding**: If you’re building a Shiny app for a specific brand or organization, you can update the theme to match their brand guidelines. This will help to reinforce their identity and create a cohesive visual experience.

  • Accessibility**: Dynamically updating the theme can also help to improve accessibility. For instance, you can provide a high-contrast theme for users with visual impairments or a theme that is optimized for mobile devices.

Preparing Your Shiny App

Before we dive into the code, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Shiny (obviously!)

  • bslib

  • A value box widget (we’ll use the one from shinyWidgets)

Here’s a simple Shiny app to get you started:


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output) {
  output.vb <- renderValueBox({
      icon = "fa-circle-o-notch"

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Adding bslib to Your Shiny App

To use bslib, you need to add it to your Shiny app’s UI. You can do this by wrapping your UI code with the `bs_theme()` function:

ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme("cerulean"), # Add bslib theme

In this example, we’re using the “cerulean” theme, but you can choose from a range of built-in themes or create your own custom theme.

Dynamically Updating the Value Box Theme

Now, let’s create a dropdown menu that allows users to dynamically update the value box theme. We’ll add a `selectInput()` to our UI code:

ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme("cerulean"), 
  selectInput("theme", "Select theme:", 
               c("cerulean", "superhero", "flatly", "material")), 

In our server code, we’ll use the `bs.GetCurrentTheme()` function to get the current theme and update the value box theme accordingly:

server <- function(input, output) {
  output.vb <- renderValueBox({
    theme <- input$theme
    bs_updateTheme(session, theme) # Update the theme
      icon = "fa-circle-o-notch", 
      color = if (theme == "cerulean") "primary" else "success" # Update the color based on the theme

That’s it! Now, when you run the app and select a different theme from the dropdown menu, the value box theme will update dynamically.

Customizing the Value Box Theme

bslib provides a range of options for customizing the value box theme. Here are a few examples:

Changing the Color

You can update the color of the value box based on the theme. For instance, you can use the `color` argument to change the background color:

  icon = "fa-circle-o-notch", 
  color = if (theme == "cerulean") "primary" else "success"

Changing the Icon

You can also update the icon based on the theme. For instance, you can use the `icon` argument to change the icon:

  icon = if (theme == "cerulean") "fa-circle-o-notch" else "fa-heart"

Changing the Background Image

If you want to get really creative, you can update the background image of the value box based on the theme. For instance, you can use the `backgroundImage` argument to change the background image:

  icon = "fa-circle-o-notch", 
  backgroundImage = if (theme == "cerulean") "url('cerulean-bg.png')" else "url('superhero-bg.png')"


Dynamically updating the value box theme in Shiny using bslib is a great way to add customization and interactivity to your applications. With bslib, you can effortlessly switch between different themes and create a unique visual experience for your users. Remember to experiment with different themes, colors, and icons to create a truly dynamic value box.

Further Reading

If you want to learn more about bslib and Shiny, here are some additional resources:

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out.

Theme Description
cerulean A calm and soothing theme with a blue color scheme.
superhero A bold and vibrant theme with a bright color scheme.
flatly A flat and modern theme with a pastel color scheme.
material A material design-inspired theme with a bold color scheme.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Dynamically update value box theme (shiny, bslib)” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on dynamically updating value box themes in Shiny with bslib!

How do I dynamically update the theme of a value box in Shiny?

You can dynamically update the theme of a value box in Shiny by using the `bslib` package. Simply create a reactive expression that returns the updated theme, and then pass it to the `valueBox` function. For example: `output$valueBox <- renderValueBox(valueBox("My Value", width = 4, theme = reactive(theme_1())))`.

What is the difference between `bslib` and `shinythemes` for updating value box themes?

`bslib` is a more flexible and customizable package for updating value box themes, as it allows you to create your own custom themes. `shinythemes`, on the other hand, provides a set of pre-built themes that you can use out of the box. Both packages can be used to update value box themes, but `bslib` offers more flexibility and control.

Can I use `bslib` to update the theme of a value box based on user input?

Yes, you can use `bslib` to update the theme of a value box based on user input. Simply create a reactive expression that returns the updated theme based on the user input, and then pass it to the `valueBox` function. For example: `output$valueBox <- renderValueBox(valueBox("My Value", width = 4, theme = reactive(if (input$theme == "light") theme_light() else theme_dark())))`.

How do I troubleshoot issues with dynamically updating value box themes in Shiny?

To troubleshoot issues with dynamically updating value box themes in Shiny, check the following: (1) ensure that the `bslib` package is installed and loaded, (2) verify that the theme is being updated correctly in the reactive expression, and (3) check the Shiny app’s console output for any error messages.

Are there any limitations to dynamically updating value box themes in Shiny?

One limitation to dynamically updating value box themes in Shiny is that it may not work well with complex or highly customized themes. Additionally, updating themes dynamically may cause issues with app performance or stability if not implemented correctly.