Why Does git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master Still Conflict?
Image by Ieashiah - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Does git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master Still Conflict?

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Are you tired of dealing with conflicts when rebasing your Git branch? Have you tried using the --strategy-option=theirs flag, only to find that conflicts still persist? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Git rebasing and explore the reasons why git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master might still conflict, despite your best efforts.

What is Git Rebasing?

Before we dive into the meat of the issue, let’s take a quick refresher on what Git rebasing is. Rebasing is a Git workflow that involves reapplied commits from one branch onto another. It’s like taking a snapshot of your changes and then reapplying them on top of the latest code. This process can help keep your feature branches up-to-date with the latest changes in the master branch.

Why Use --strategy-option=theirs?

The --strategy-option=theirs flag is used to specify the strategy for resolving conflicts during rebasing. When you use this flag, Git will favor the incoming changes (the “theirs” side) when resolving conflicts, instead of your local changes (the “ours” side). This can be useful when you want to prioritize the changes made in the master branch over your local changes.

Why Does git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master Still Conflict?

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the heart of the matter. There are several reasons why git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master might still conflict, despite your best efforts. Here are some common culprits:

1. Incompatible Changes

Sometimes, the changes in the master branch might be incompatible with your local changes. For example, if you’ve deleted a file in your feature branch, but the master branch has made changes to that same file, Git won’t know what to do. In this case, even with --strategy-option=theirs, conflicts will arise.

2. Renames and Moves

When you rename or move files, Git might not be able to track the changes correctly. This can lead to conflicts when rebasing, even with --strategy-option=theirs. To avoid this, use git mv or git rename instead of regular file system operations.

3. Git Attributes

Git attributes are special files that contain metadata about your repository. If you’ve changed the Git attributes in your feature branch, but the master branch has different attributes, conflicts might occur. Use git update-index to update the Git attributes before rebasing.

4. Submodule Conflicts

If you’re using Git submodules, conflicts can arise when rebasing. This is because submodules are essentially separate Git repositories within your main repository. Use git submodule update to update the submodules before rebasing.

5. Git Hooks

Git hooks are scripts that run automatically during certain Git operations. If you have Git hooks that modify files or directories, they might conflict with the rebasing process. Disable any Git hooks that might interfere with rebasing.

6. Uncommitted Changes

If you have uncommitted changes in your local branch, they might conflict with the incoming changes from the master branch. Stash your changes using git stash before rebasing.

How to Avoid Conflicts with git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master

Now that we’ve covered the common culprits, let’s discuss some best practices to avoid conflicts when using git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master:

  • git pull --rebase instead of git pull to rebase your local branch against the latest changes in the remote branch.
  • Use git status and git diff to review your changes before rebasing.
  • Run git clean -df to remove any untracked files and directories.
  • Use git checkout --theirs to checkout the version of a file from the master branch before rebasing.
  • Run git rebase -i master to interactively rebase your branch, allowing you to edit commits and resolve conflicts more easily.

Real-World Scenario: Resolving Conflicts with git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master

Let’s walk through a real-world scenario to illustrate how to resolve conflicts when using git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master.

# Create a new feature branch
git checkout -b feature/new-feature

# Make some changes and commit them
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# Make some more changes and commit them
git add .
git commit -m "Additional changes"

# Switch to the master branch and make some changes
git checkout master
git add .
git commit -m "Changes in master branch"

# Switch back to the feature branch and try to rebase
git checkout feature/new-feature
git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master

In this scenario, let’s say we get a conflict when rebasing. We can use git status to review the conflicts:

# Review the conflicts
git status

# Resolve the conflicts
git add 
git rebase --continue

# Repeat the process until all conflicts are resolved

By following these steps, we can successfully rebase our feature branch onto the latest changes in the master branch, even with --strategy-option=theirs.


In this article, we’ve explored the reasons why git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master might still conflict, despite your best efforts. By understanding the common culprits and following best practices, you can avoid conflicts and ensure a smooth rebasing experience. Remember to use git pull --rebase, review your changes, and resolve conflicts interactively to get the most out of Git rebasing.


What is the difference between --strategy-option=theirs and --strategy-option=ours? --strategy-option=theirs favors the incoming changes, while --strategy-option=ours favors your local changes.
Can I use git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master with Git submodules? Yes, but be aware of potential submodule conflicts. Use git submodule update before rebasing.
How do I abort a rebase operation? Use git rebase --abort to abort the rebase operation and restore your branch to its original state.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle conflicts when using git rebase --strategy-option=theirs master. Happy rebasing!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you scratching your head wondering why ‘git rebase –strategy-option=theirs master’ still conflicts? Let’s get to the bottom of it!

Q1: What does ‘git rebase –strategy-option=theirs master’ do?

This Git command replays your local changes on top of the ‘master’ branch, using the ‘theirs’ strategy to resolve conflicts. It’s like saying, “Hey, Git, when there’s a conflict, just take the version from the ‘master’ branch and drop my local changes.”

Q2: So, why does it still conflict?

Even with the ‘theirs’ strategy, Git still tries to apply your local changes on top of the updated ‘master’ branch. If those changes conflict with each other, you’ll still get conflicts. Think of it like trying to force two puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit together.

Q3: What kind of conflicts can still occur?

You might encounter conflicts due to changes in the same lines of code, or when the same file is renamed or deleted in both your local changes and the updated ‘master’ branch. Yep, it’s like trying to merge two different recipes for the same cake!

Q4: Can I avoid conflicts altogether?

In an ideal world, yes! Make sure to regularly pull the latest changes from the ‘master’ branch and rebase your local changes on top of it. This keeps your local changes in sync with the ‘master’ branch, reducing the likelihood of conflicts. It’s like keeping your puzzle pieces up to date!

Q5: What’s the best strategy to resolve conflicts?

Take a deep breath and dive into the conflict resolution process! Git provides helpful conflict markers in the affected files. Edit those files to resolve the conflicts, then commit the changes. You can also use ‘git mergetool’ for a visual way to resolve conflicts. It’s like solving a puzzle, and the sense of accomplishment is super rewarding!